Friday 8/13 5-630PM
If you missed a Hero WOD and would like to make it up, show up. Know what your WOD is, set it up, and 3-2-1-G0.

Everyone worked on doin' something special! Awesome push!
AM shout outs:
MikeK: 28kg, 9:56
MelissaH: 20kg swings & Pull Ups! Drawin' a line in the sand!
Stephen (30-25-20-15-10-5...GHD SitUp, Back Ext., KTE, SLDL)
thanks for setting the bar Hazlett!! i followed your lead b/c i didn't want to let the girls' team down on helen day! ooh rah to all the other ladies i saw working hard today - and the gents, too!!! think i need 3 margaritas: 1 to drink and 1 for each hand - to rest my palms on the salty rims. (no trash talkin')
From the 2 rd. warm up to the last pullup...that was something else! Wicked push!
Overheard at CF: "You don't have 44lbs...b/c SHE has the 44lber!"
Also overhead at CF tonight: "These aren't bunion-friendly sneakers."
"Adam Brown" repeated many times in my head during the workout.
Awesome Jan!!!!
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