Who's that gal with the weight vest? Thanks Sam for a great summer. You've been a great asset to CF and your positive contributions to the gym have been appreciated by all. Way to blow it out on Murph!
Thank you everyone for coming out to any of the Hero WODs you were able to attend. And, of course, congratulations to everyone who completed all 6...suffer, sacrifice, honor!
Prize awards (pick up your bags at the gym):
Madeline B.: Beginner Effort (all 6? are you sure you're a "beginner"?)
Catherine L.: Best Injured Effort (bionic knee and all)
Meredith G.: Dedicated Come Hell or High Water (enough said....well maybe a few whispered "f-bombs")
Scott D.: Proof is in the Pudding Award (get his recipe, 'cause he ain't makin' instant!)
Melissa H.: Best Single Effort WOD (heavy swinging Helen...after 2 warm-up rds!)
Livewrong: Effort Best Honoring the Spirit of Hero Week
Everyone who completed all 6 will receive a t-shirt. Mark your size. Orders placed early next week.
Sometimes I just don't have the words, but I'll try, all you folks that came out and made the 2010 version of Hero Week and overwhelming success, you have my utmost respect. I will forever be grateful for having the experience of being in the presence of such great people! I cannot express how much it means to be a part of CF and see all of you do more than you think you can every time I walk in that door! Many thanks to Chris, Matt, and Sam for pulling this together and making it a very special week for me. Thru suffering and sacrificing we all become better people, it has been a truly humbling week! You all are the best!!
Thank you all for an awesome summer, your support and generosity is incredible. I came into this summer as a different person than I will leave. I learned so much being around such motivated and hard working people and am very lucky to have been a part of it all. You can certainly expect me back soon (I'll be in Saturday) from school to throw around some weights and give my body a proper CF beating. I wish you all the best and please keep me in the loop. I'll try to be involved and comment on the blog often because I will undoubtedly miss my CF family.
Wait...I think a Major award was missed:
Ultimate Motivator By not only words but by Example: Matt D. You (and Chris and Sam, but Hero Week is your baby) do a phenomenal job of driving people to their maximum...whether it be a "rest in the air" comment and just a simple "come on" or by banging out all kinds of reps in perfect form. Thanks for always setting the bar high and for the drive to get it done the right way!!!! And thanks for putting on another great Hero Week...
On another note, Sam, sorry I couldn't finish out Hero Week with you at the 5:30 Murph, but hope you have a great return to school..see you soon!!! And thanks again to you for your commitment and love of CF!!!!!
I second MH's motion for Motivator of the Week!!
MH, I did the Murph in 5 sets like you suggested, I definitely like it better that way, still a BEAST and those 40 push-ups per set were a S.O.B....;)
JU...agreed that the pushups in sets of 40 were a bitch, but I knew I could bang out air squats and pullups (w/ bands tho) in greater rep sets, so I just went that way...will stick to it in the future!
CF Hero Week (def)- a week of conquering personal challenges you never thought your old ass could do, while honoring the spirit of elite individuals who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Great comments also about all the positive people making CF a very special place.
i <3 CF
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