25 PullUps
50 DL
50 PushUps
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers
50 Clean/Press
25 PullUps
Fine turn-out for this Sunday Special. Note, next Sunday Aug 29, 9AM, Kettlebell Instruction & Practice (mostly focused on Swings, Pulls, Snatches). If you need to learn or work on any KB moves, show up!
Also, feel free to stop by to practice any skills (OH Squats, Double Unders, Pull Ups, Rope Climb, Muscle Up, anything....Beginner or Advanced). Mastery/proficiency with the exercises only allows you to go that much harder during the workouts.
"300" is a keeper, loved that kickass WOD!!!
Remember, you can have what you want, or the reasons why not!
Strength is form.....
Nice push by everyone who was there this morning. Dead Lifts. Wow!
Just want to underscore what a great opp these Sunday specials / open gym times are to hone your form. No pressure environment b/c everything is self-regulated. You can opt to do the WOD or just practice some skills til your heart's content... or do both! (Working on my double-unders, Sam - still haven't gotten a groove.)
Jan, its all in the wrists! Knees up, flick the wrists, you'll be golden!
Sounds like a great workout!!! Just wanted to say thanks for all the support from the CF family without you guys it would have been hard to get through. Thanks again and I did it :)
Way to go Karen!!!!
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