3 rds.: 30 Squat Cleans, 30 PullUps, 800m Run
Several shout-outs today: To everyone who pulled through ripped up hands (is that a theme for the entire week?). To Chris for kranking 26 miles....and to Gretch for swimming 1 mile at the Steelman Triathlon for the IM ABLE team (on little to no swim training)! Which harkens a classic Coach G quote, "We do your stuff nearly as well as you do, you can't do ours very well at all, and we do everything that we both don't do much better than you can. Not very humble, I know, but true." Be a better, truer athlete!
Tomorrow: McGhee (530A, 930A, 530P)
I thought the strange feeling in the air was the calm before the storm...I was wrong, it was a disturbance in the forest!!!
what a fun day and a great time at the tri! great job to everyone for cranking out all those pull-ups! give your hands a break today and rest up for tomorrow!!
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