The Burpee...without argument the ultimate exercise...when executed to perfection and at rapid-fire speed (as shown by scottd). Squat thrust, push up, legs back in, squat jump high overhead clap.
Completing 150 proper burpees would be hard. Our daily exercise prescription ought to simply be 150 burpees, no?
Excellent on all accounts. Well done Scott. 150 Burpees a day for life!
Nice demo! If you manage 150 burpees per day, Scott, you won't need to concern yourself too much with the kipping pull-ups.
Sometimes I love every bit of the burpee; sometimes I'm more like Newman from Seinfeld when he tries a bite of broccoli. Vile weed.
All good ideas......
but incorrect.
Though a burpee beatdown would be hard...the outcome (Power) is a necessary, but not sufficient component of the Form of Fitness --- Total Athleticism.
Missing would be agility, quickness, timing, coordination, balance, flexibility...get it?
Plug? CF provides thorough, comprehensive workouts to develop your FULL ATHLETICISM...the true form of fitness!
Actually, I can only do 149/day. But I'm determined to get that last, stinkin' one!
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