Refining and correcting KB exercises, double unders, KTE, kipping pull-ups, texting...good work and dedication (and coffee!).
Also, a small WOD option for those who stayed.
Box Jump, Push Up, Goblet Squat, or,
Sit Up, Slam Ball
PS. Weight Loss Challenge (Sept 7 - Oct 17) Sign Up Sheets are up (big whiteboard).
Motivated people only:
Not willing to dramatically change diet?
Think you can exercise off calories?
In training and still believe in carbo-load?
Uninterested in tracking diet on Livestrong?
Then please do not sign up.
Committed folks sign up (must have email--print clearly), weigh in & buy in (folder behind desk). The game is afoot on Sept 7!
Thoughts please...I don't feel the need to lose much weight; but would like to lose body fat...do I participate in the challenge? dont' want to not contribute though to the girls team...if I don't participate, can I still be on a Livestrong group? Honest opinions/thoughts, please... Thanks!
I think this challenge is weight-loss only, Melissa. Body composition isn't going to be measured. That being said, my goal this past Spring was never to lose weight; it was to become leaner and stronger - I lost body fat and weight as a by-product of my efforts. You will, too. It's all circular logic, but I think by participating in a weight-loss challenge, you will meet your real goal. Make sense?
Correct. It's a weight loss challenge only.
MH: I'd say sign up...you're an intense competitor and would be a great teammate.
Honest opinion:
If you lose fat, you'd have to lose weight...fat weighs. And shredding the fat off allows those muscles we work so hard for at CF to shine through.
I want in on the blog- I'll be paying ya'll a visit sometime next weekend!
In on the blog? Heck, you're ON the women's team.
Great...I'm in! Thanks for the input!
Matt, if we can get a group to do McGhee Sunday, I'd definitely be up for it! and as long as its cool that I'm ON the team from Towson, I'm in! Just wasn't sure how that would work being away for weigh ins but we will work it out.
Mother Nature?
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