7-mile hill at Blue Marsh
A mountain HAND-cycle
More like, Sacri-fice!
"Of all the work that produces results, nine tenths must be drudgery. There is no work, from the highest to the lowest, which can be done well by any man who is unwilling to make that sacrifice."
- Edward Henry Bickersteth
Nice ride Kaag... I'll remind myself of your effort at the next Corps Fitness Torture Session! Seven Mile hill is brutal on foot or on bike. It's not for the novice or the faint of heart- in other words, it's a challenge that's right up your alley- and an challenge met!
Thanks DanO, I wouldn't expect anything less of you and certainly not of myself so I was stoked for the challenge. Luckily MD was with me to give support for the hairy parts and my bike falling apart. I cannot expect the people of CF to give everything they have if I do not do the same...keep the challenges coming!!
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