The Ol' 1575 (or 1050)
A: Ring Row, Box Jumps, Scissor Leg, Tri Ext, Step Up, Bbar Crunch, JJ
B: Push Press, Monkey Squat, Frogleg Crunch, KTE, OH Lunge, V2Pump, B&T
C: Hearts, Locomotives, Pikes, Dips, ACS, L-sit, Star Jumps
D: Step PU, Air Squat, Frankenstein, DBCurls, Good Morning, Pulses, SideSquatHop
E: ACP, Rev Lunge, Weighted Situp, KB Snatch, Alt Side Step, Plank Knee, Hot Seat/Sun God
Option: 30 or 45 reps (7 exercises/5 pods/45 reps = 1575.....only 1050 for the 30 rep option)
PS. That was Special.
PPS. The guy on the bench about sums it up.
PPPS. That's good KTE form.
How about Deja Vu...Sunday Psychosis, the day after...
Great job Mere and a sick-ill set of pods!!
Advice: Never save 45 Star-Jumps for the end of the workout! That was PHOOLISH!!
yeah yeah yeah!!!!! mfg's back and ready to kick it PHOOL!
To all those who chose Route 45, hats off! What a incredible show of endurance and heart (and pools of sweat)! To those on Route 30, wasn't there supposed to be an ice cream stop in there somewhere? I think I missed it! Thanks for pulling this together Mere and Melissa. Best of everything to the Dish and Axl!!!
(my google encrypted word was failer. that's harsh!)
45 star jumps??? 45 overhead lunges (90 steps!)???? 45 K2E (just hanging on to the friggin' bar hurt!)??? 45 weighted situps (my brushburns are howling)??? That's just crazy!!! Thanks Mere for the insanity...and of course, best wishes to Trish and Brian :)
Post Script: Big THANKS to K.O. for shadowing me in that last pod, that was huge!! That was not the pod to end with, I need to be more observant. Simply phoolish!!
Good Luck Trish and Axle!!
A HUGE heartfelt thanks to everyone for such a nice suprise this morning! I gather that Meredith & Melissa may have been ring leaders-thank you, thank you, thank you! I have greatly missed being in the company of such awesome people on a weekly basis. I try to live vicariously through Brian with every workout and have missed the incredible commraderie that only comes along with the CF family. It was so nice to see everyone! Can't wait to introduce you all to baby Williams #2! Keep up all the good work, I was blown away by how great you all look. Someone is directing some killer work-outs for sure!
All those reps and not 1 burpee. Bummed I missed it.
All I have to say about that is ^$%^&^%)*%^$@%%$$#&#&@*@*#*#^@))*%$@^&&!!!!
I cant belive Im missing all the fun, marathon this sunday, then I'm BACK!!!!
sorry i missed this one!
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