"Most alarming are the fruits and vegetables dubbed the 'Dirty Dozen,' which contain 47 to 67 pesticides per serving. These foods are believed to be most susceptible because they have soft skin that tends to absorb more pesticides."
Read more about
Dirty Fruits and Veggies at Toxic America.
Gotta love a country where they push multiple servings of fruits and veggies loaded with pesticides, with the message of helping to prevent cancer, while they also know such chemicals can cause cancer!! WTF? Plus the fact that the guy in the bunny-suit, rubber gloves and respirator, is wearing them because most of these chemical compounds are considered, "systemic", which means they are absorbable through the skin, so why don't we just go spray this sh!t all over the place without regard for the amount spread by the wind they may end up on little Fido in the yard and who knows where else? WTF kind a CATCH-22 is that; eat what prevents disease in order to catch same disease...no wander my F'IN BRAIN HURTS......YIKES!!!
All that Sauerbraten is makin' you angry.
Doesn't end with what we ingest either. Organic cotton fabric, anyone?
"Synthetic and chemical pesticides and fertilizers are associated with some sobering statistics. The EPA considers 7 of the top 15 pesticides used on cotton in the United States as "possible," "likely," "probable," or "known" to cause cancer in humans [source: EPA]."
In India, the death rate of fathers & sons who own small farms (growing cotton for American products) is staggering b/c they don't have pretty protective suits & they can't read the warnings on the containers (supplied by American chemical companies).
Geo Grand HazMat suits? Cha-Ching!
At least they'll be stylin'
MattD: The pilsner's we have been drinking are superb!! We were in downtown Munich yesterday at a Biergarden for some of the soccer match, this place was insane, flags, banners, painted-faces, painted cars, the whole country was crazy, it's like Superbowl Sunday, except the weather is nicer and everyone is outside, they had flat screen TV's set-up everywhere, I'd never seen anything like it!! The jet-lag had me a bit out-of-sorts, hence my attitude earlier, a couple bouts with the expresso machine has helped my mood considerably...Also, saw a guy with an English Soccer Jersey on in downtown Munich, that dude took some serious abuse, not as bad as at an Eagle's game in Philly, if you're an outsider, but is was really funny...some other guy thought we were "English" too, until I corrected him and said we came across a different pond and we didn't speak the "Queen's English"....
eew. I'm sitting here eating my grapes, thinking about the nectarine I had with breakfast and the celery I ate last night. Looks like there will be a few more trips to the farmers' market for the Kaags in the future...
JJ - have fun in Germany and drink one for me!
Gretch...one of the perks of living out this way is alllll the local farm stands. And there's one right in my backyard who specifically doesn't use any pessticides, etc. Unfortunately the corn can get a little wormy (yuck), but other stuff has been great!!!
My daughter literally eats strawberries almost everyday. As of now, I am only buying organic, I don't care if they're double the price. I am seriously concerned that it might be too late considering the quantities she consumes.
JU, sounds like you're having a good time. Enjoy! And have one for me!
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