1) Neg PU, SeeSaw Press-Parkour BC
2) Walkabout, DB Raise-Side BC
3) Front Squat, Hip Ext-B&T Shuffle
4) Box Jump Squat, ACS-Quick Step
5) Honeymooner, Vtwist-Side Crabwalk
6) Bicycle Cr, Plankwalk-Crabwalk
Wow, yesterday's quote got some humdinger feedback...really it's just a cool quote because both "rhabdo" and "bastion" are used!:)
Anyway, it's clear to see that DJ "came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And she's all out of bubblegum." ****Name the actor and movie of that quote AND receive ONE (1) free punch to be used at a Tuesday 5:30PM class or Friday 5AM KB class. Post answer to comments. First correct wins.
MariaC's comment reminded me of quotes by Coach Glassman of CrossFit. Here's some, or go here for more. I bolded my fave...and the last one always makes me think of CF (magic in the movin'...fun in the people!).
"Stick to the basics and when you feel you've mastered them it's time to start all over again, begin anew - again with the basics - this time paying closer attention."
"If you don't get the ABCs we don't jump into English Lit."
"If you don't get the ABCs we don't jump into English Lit."
"All the charm of a house of cards in the wind." (on folks with poor form)
"Its like painting a dirty car. It's still dirty underneath." (on hiding bad form with more weight/speed).
"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error."
"For many of our people fitness training has become their sport--a sport where the aims are simply to become as fit as possible."
"The notion that holding a heart rate of 180 bpm for twenty minutes on a bike is good cardio whereas holding 180 bpm for twenty minutes in a circuit of weightlifting is of lesser cardiovascular value is widespread yet ludicrous."
"Be impressed by intensity, not volume."
"If you can brag about either a low 4's mile or a high 4's bench press you could also be a lot fitter."
"Have fun screwing up...it means you are removing your ego from the problem."
"The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community."
They Live. That's an awesome comment! Gotta love the internet! : ) Jimmie Dirt
Oops I meant awesome quote - I'm dumb!
Those other quotes are great too!
And thanks everyone for another great Saturday workout. Sometimes when I'm feeling winded I just take a quick peek to look around and get motivation from all of the others kickin' ass and sometimes chewing bubblegum : )
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jimmie Dirt
Actor is (Rowdy) Roddy Piper : ) Maybe I should read all of the instructions - haha.
You took us on a wild ride...but yes..."Thev Live" and Rowdy Roddy Piper.
That's a lesson for the rest of you...never match wits re: 80's Wrestling Trivia with someone named JimmieDirt.
It was a great workout and those there are inspiring to me - I look around and see people giving atleast their all and then some and think I can and should do more. It's a great group and I thank you all for keeping me going!! : )
Tennis Karen
My favorite Crossfit quote (paraphrased):
"No, it doesn't get any easier. You wouldn't want it to, either."
Maria N
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