8am: Very small group...skipped the circuit and opted for Tabata Something Else (Jump PU, Squat, PushUp, Box Jump, SitUps)
9am: Beginner Class going full tilt in a circuit (Curl/Press, B&T Hurdle, Squat Front Raise, Jump PU, MB Suicide, DB Swing/Tri Ext, JJ2BT, Lunge, Toe Tap, Bbar Crunch). End Activity: Partner-Step Ups/Jack Webbs. That's the way to keep movin'!
Overheard at CF:
"Psychosis is as psychosis does."
I look at this blog every day in jealousy and envy because I don't have this down here at school. I'm looking forward to getting back in there for 3 solid months this summer; definitely want to join the Pull Up club! Miss you all, see you soon...until then, kick butt at the tough mudder and don't have too much fun without me!
We miss you too and can't wait to HAVE you with us!! : ) You are running the no sugar contest, right?
And best of luck to all the tough mudders - have a great time, work hard and be safe! Can't wait to see Matt's pics and videos while you go thru the circut...the camera is waterproof right??!
Sorry - never know who is signed into the computer when I post a comment...."Sarah's" comment is really tennis Karen....
Tennis Karen pulled a Double Trouble today...8am Tabata + 9am Circuit...and we know she doesn't go half-speed...impressive!
....haven't done much else today either! Right now I'm drinking "liquids" and not the kind that help hydrate! ; )
oooh...enjoy those liquids :)!!!
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