"It is within the experience of everyone that when pleasure and pain reach a certain intensity they are indistinguishable." Arnold Bennett
Every...Second...Counts. Go hard or go home. From warm-up to cool-down.

Overheard at Dan-Ohs:
"Hey look, a book about me."
Matt D, you are on to something with your post here this morning. Apparently there is strong evidence for biological connections between the neurochemical pathways used for the perception of pain and pleasure. The belief is that these most likely involve dopamine and endorphin pathways. Is it not true that physical activity produces an increase in endorphin output?
Captain Awesome, when is the book signing?
MD, why do I have the feeling that second senentce was directed at me!! Only kidding, thanks for the help last night on K2E and Kipping. Got some work to do but at least now I know WHAT to do.
Am I on an Island? I swear I just saw Thomas Merton!! WTF????
Not sure JU but we could sure use more men like him these days!
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