Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday KB: LT extender

Pull Up, KB OH Walking Lunges, Drop PU, Box Jump, Swing, BT Broad Jump, High Pull, Straddle Side Hurdle

Skills Work: Partners 5 rounds
5/5 Snatch
Goblet Squat

Tirzah Harper insight on CrossFit Discussion Board (original thread here):
"I will add that one of my favorite things about CF is its assumption that I have a perfectly good brain of my own AND the desire to use it.It's self-determining.

If I push too hard and get rhabdo, it's my own damn fault. If I don't push hard enough and don't see much results, ditto. I don't rely on anyone else to tell me where my limits are. I don't expect anyone else to keep me safe.

CF's presumption of self-reliant brainpower is one of the few bastions left here in the States where playgrounds aren't much fun anymore because they're eliminating all the equipment that kids might get hurt on, and freedom of activity is curtailed for fear of lawsuits."


Jan said...

"If I don't push hard enough and don't see much results, it's my own damn fault." All's I got to say to that is vehement, "Yeeeeup!"

Well that and this: if you find yourself barely breaking a sweat, not hitting your target heart rate or thinking a workout wasn't hard enough for you, that's something you own. There are plenty of folks who are on the verge of puking in those same classes so it's def NOT the workout. It's unfairly disparaging to Chris & Matt to even suggest such a thing. The sign says: Motivated People Only. Are you holding up your end of the bargain?

Maria_C said...

Spot on DJ! BTW: It is quite noticeable the effort that you have been making over the last few weeks.

OWN IT! Right on. When you own the workout, the results will come! When our legs are completely extended on a bicycle crunch, we get the six pack instead of the two pack. When our knees skim the ground and our backs are upright on the lunge, we get the tight butt and hamstrings. When our chest skims the ground on the pushup, we get the shred of the shoulder that ties into the tricep. When we run instead of jogging, we gain endurance. And so on, And so on...WORK IT AND THE RESULTS WILL COME!

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