5:30P class cranking out AMRAP
ASide: Bar Span, Plankwalk, Roving Plank, 8Ct, Walking Lunge, Squat Jump
BSide: Burpee, MBSuicide, SquatFrontRaise, Box Drill, Low Crawl, Bicycle Crunch

Overheard at CF:
"No, we don't need more bands, we just need more people who can do pullups."
"Yeah, non-stop with shit in betwee-een."
(probably had to be there)
Spanning across the bars tonight was FUN! (Once I got the "swing of things"...haha) ... Makes me think being a primate might not be all that bad....except for the poop throwing thing...
re: pull-ups. If I had to isolate one exercise that has changed my ability to do many other exercises better or faster in recent months, it would be the pull-up. It requires only as much arm strength as you need to move your body mass, but it requires a shitload of core strength to harness the momentum and fire yourself like a rocket up to that bar. And that core strength is the same thing needed for EVERY. OTHER. THING. we do. Get some baby!
Like totally correct to the max! Actually arm strength to move LESS than your bodyweight...the core action produces alot of horizontal movement. You want your arms/shoulders/lats to take less of the brunt...make it full-body athleticism and start pulling away!
That swinging motion definitely helps when you are spanning, I agree there is a lot to be said for the big "M" word...Momentum...can be hard to start but once you get going it's also hard to stop...if anyone finds a callus on the bars, it's mine, that sucker ripped one off last night...That "Chimpnasium" is a blast, it has been the sight of "spit" throwing, but poop, not yet, but you never know....;)We should throw bananas at each other while we're up there...Sorta like wrench dodging in "Dodgeball" the movie....
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