"a proper squat has hips below knee height, weight on the heels, knees in alignment with the feet..." (CrossFit main site). Though squats may look different for different people based on several variables, one being "length of hinge system", all proper squats adhere to these basic principles.
Not to be confused with a Deadlift: "Proper set up for the deadlift: Natural lumbar curve, hips higher than the knees, shoulders in front of the bar, weight on the heels." (CrossFit main site)
Which, in turn, should be confused with a KB Swing. Born from the Deadlift, the Swing cues will sound very much like a Deadlift.
None of which look like a Burpee OH Clap. Better than Yesterday!
So the blogs kinda quite today, maybe because some of you, like me, are feeling the effects of the double-dose of beatdowns that occured on Monday and Tuesday at the 1730 classes. Plus, maybe you are feeling the after-effects of the heat and subsequent dehydration induced headache and general fatigue, or maybe it's just a little bit of Paleo Bonk...Whatever it is cheer up another workout is just around the corner tomorrow at 1730...so hydrate, eat some food, rest, recover, and bring it tomorrow, and lets see if we can go for the triumprant and get 3-Beatdowns in 3-workouts this week, then we also have Saturday to look forward too to make a Four-for-Four!! Now that's living on the edge...can't wait!! ...;)
Johnnie. We love you!
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