Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Form: Feet under hips.

Squat Thrust, Bend & Thrust, JJ2BT, B&T w/ Jump, 8 Ct., or Burpee. You name it, and at CF you'll do it. It is the ultimate full-body exercise.

"Landing" the B&T is important. That refers to returning to standing after the plank (thrust position). It should happen in one fluid movement.

So, from a full plank (push up position). Snap the knees forward (hip flexion), push with hands to create space...and land feet directly under hips! Notice in the pic, all these folks have landed (or are about to land) in perfect position. Feet flat (not up on toes), soundly under hips. This shows proper strength and flexibility, reduces strain on the knees, and allows them to move quickly into a jump or another rep!!!!


Wakinyan4 said...

Matt, can you bring your feet too far forward? In other words, when we do thrusts we try to get our feet next to our hands, is this also acceptable when doing these exercises?

Matt_D said...

Q1: I guess so...then you would fall over backward.

Q2: That depends on where your hands are...

Work on landing (one movement) in what for you (ability, level, strength, flexibility, balance) is a strong, athletic "squat" position.

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