KB: (wagon wheel)
Rev. Cleans: Walkabout, Locomotive
Alt. Swing: KB Sit Up, Plie Squat
Push Jerk: Rope Heave, Jump Rope
Heavy Swing: Plank Knee, Step Up
Ladder, Beck's Burpee, B-bar, Box Drill, Step Up, Squat, Rope Heave, Double Jump, PU, Wall Ball
6ct, Rope PullUP, Tire Flip, Step Up, Swing, Log Heave, Squat, PU, Squat Jump, KB Sit Up
AM folks...it's just over the bridge from VF...turn off of Park Rd...Bldg 7...just in case.
26 stations tonight?
I don't know 26 exercises?!:) Could we three-peat the burpee, maybe?
Let's try and come up with 26 exercises and a new competition. I'm bored with fitness! Anyone else? Let's say we try a pie eating contest?! No seriously, let's get to it!! Let's build triceps, cut glutes and hams, and ripple some 4 tier abs.
Pot luck workout. Everyone brings three exercises (app, main and dessert)... if your hungry for more go back for seconds of everything.
Oh, a bring your own casserole party...I love those...here's my contribution:
Burpee, Beck's Burpee, Ultimate Burpee
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