2) KBs are a thinking-persons exercise and sport. Be sure to use all your good self-talk cues...and practice, practice, practice. You know, the things you can recite in your sleep (I know I do!)! KBers should know to which exercise each applies. If you're not a KBer, then ignore, or simply try to randomly work these phrases into your daily interactions at home or work!
Some KB self-talk:
Fast! Get down fast!
Drive the hips forward.
If it was a squat with a front raise, it’d be called “Squat with a Front Raise”...it’s called “Swing”!
Arms are straps.
Get your butt back.
Let it fall.
Off your toes!
Full body movement...timing, timing!
Push down hard with the feet.
Switch on the float.
Good lines!
You’re lifting it. Don’t lift the KB! Accelerate it!
Big rip.
Zippin’ a jacket.
Elbows up.
Speed, speed, speed.
Punch through and it won’t bang.
You're moppin' the floor...higher!
Backside, backside, backside!
Relax, you got plenty of time.
On your heels.
If it’s danglin’, then it’s too light.
Get under it!
Get off the ground right!
Ride the KB.
KB back...active shoulder!
Don’t give up on the legs.
Drive the earth away!
Elbow in, weight on you, wrist neutral.
Breathe, it’s an endurance sport!
that's a heck of alot to remember! One of my thots is "how much time is left??!" This is tennis Karen again, but under my daughter's sign on : )
TK, your form is always spot on...those are rarely barked at you. (It's just remembering the names of the moves that escapes you!:)
As for the time...just mumble under your breath, "Where's the countdown, man?!"
TK again....you are so right! I have alot of mental blocks and names of exercises is one of them!!
I'll remember the "where's the countdown man" when I get back : )
Karen!!! How's your summer?! All is well here...missing you at CF...the other morning it was just me and a bunch of boys! Come back soon :)!
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