layer Monkey Squats, Lunges, & Suicides. Slowly add Bear Crawls, PushUps, & Dips. Sprinkle with Beck's Burpees, Bicycle Crunches, & L-sits. Bake for 2 rounds.
Hey all you PMers...where were all y'all?? It had to be as close to as bad as it can get (is that even English?)!
T to the D...what are you trying to say...give it to us straight...don't mince words.
Corps Fitness well represented at the Thirsty Thursday 5k...complimentary beer ticket!
So we had people running at Trooper Thorns while we did Little Stinking Sheets.That is not right.
Oh and to top it off we had 3 rounds of 5 sprints to finish out the evening.
BF, what'dya think...repeat Little Stinking Sheets next week for all the wise-akers?
Hey...let's evaluate this:
free beer vs. little stinkin' sheets...hmmmm...
Can ya' blame us? Plus, I already did my 2 hill runs as part of CF Thurs. morning...
Sorry Matt...I needed a day off today, so no kb class for me...
Sorry nothin'...it was a boys club this morning anyway...you'd have been out of place:)...BTW, Chris is on vaca, so I'll be around all next week (you WILL be KBing before next Friday!).
Nope...no kb'ing for me next week...unless I pack my own kb's and take them to the beach with me, where I'll be all next week. Sorry again...
See you in 2 weeks!
Then I guess the only "sorry" is for your legs when you get back! Have fun (and why not take a KB?).
Could this be our first double digit blog? And we have 5 people chatting. This is a first.
Melissa you're in luck... the beach is the perfect spot to do the sandy seventy. 70 reps of your 10 favorite bodyweight exercises.
Have a good time!
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