Fri. July 10 KB (5am, 9:30am): Blow Out Special. Welcoming back any and all vacationing KBers. (but you don't need to be a KBer to appreciate this one)! Be warned, show up ready for this one, lace 'em up!
Sunday Special (July 12, 10am, 1 punch): CrossFit Eva...with penalties.
Scenario 1: Arrive, warm up, do workout, modify/sub if needed, no questions asked. No penalty
Scenario 2: Arrive, ask "What can I sub for running, pull-ups, or KBs?" Penalty=add 10 reps
Scenario 3: Arrive, ask "What's Eva?" Penalty= add 1 rd
Scenario 4: Arrive, ask "What's the workout today?" Penalty= You'll be asked to leave!
Get your stuff together!
Ouch. That looks like a tough one.
The workout or the penalty for "doh!"??
Corina had a good point...if someone pulls a "Doh!" the reps and rounds should be added for everyone! That's the way to be a team player CB!
I'll bring the salt!
"I'll bring the salt"?? Is that your CF t-shirt saying? Or for Margherita's? Or to rub in our bloody and blistered hands??
I don't know what it means, but I'm using it all the time now!!
Sunday, Eva, I'm bringin' the salt!
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