(from the beasts at Centurian Crossfit Ft. Hood...tagline "The strong are hard to kill. Be unstoppable.")
1) Saturday JULY 31: PFT Test 8AM, Combined Class 9AM
a) If you completed the JUNE 26 PFT, come out to re-test and check improvements.
b) If you do not have PFT scores, show up to get your baseline scores...everyone should have Pull Up/Bar Hang, Crunch, Run #s on file!
2) !!Upcoming Schedule Change!!: Beginning AUGUST 2, MONDAY 5:30PM CLASS WILL BE "BEGINNER CLASS". Please note this change and how it will influence your weekly schedule for the Fall.
3) Hero Week! (August 7-12) 6 workouts in 6 days! Keep an eye out for the schedule.
Monday is now a beginner class? Have we been demoted? Ouch- that hurts!
is the wednesday staying a beginner class???
re: outworking shitty diet. This past Spring, I was fed up (literally) with a 20-year pattern of working my butt off to compensate for eating too much crap. Enough was enough. Once I got honest with myself about it, everything fell into place. Now I can enjoy working out for the sake of it - and not b/c it's a punishing necessity. Ah, Bartleby. Ah, humanity.
Anyone else???
erock: Yes!
DJ: Proof is in the pudding!
DanOh: I think it was the Snow Angels on Mon.
I think most folks know that garbage in equals garbage out; which translates to the available energy your body has to fuel your workouts. When you put in bad fuel you get a sluggish performance from your motor, in this case your metabolism. Same is true in a any energy producing machine. I learned this the hard way too, when I first started taking CF classes I was in the neighborhood of 250lbs and around 28% bodyfat. Chris probably has some photos around to prove it, but he best keep those under wraps.lol...anyway the exercise alone didn't help me to lose the weight until I started paying attention to what I put in my body..,after the latest Hunter / Gatherer challenge I now weigh a lean 205lbs with 19% bodyfat...progress does not happen if you don't watch what you eat...I'm not done I still have my eye on breaking the 200lb mark...stay tuned!!
JJ - that is awesome!! Numbers don't lie baby!
Johnnie, that's awesome! So will there be an additional "advanced" class added?
JA: not really added, just equalized.
To accommodate increasing clients:
Beginners now have (for 3x/wk):
Sat 9a, Mon 530p, Wed 530p
Advanced (for 3x/wk):
Sat 8a, Tues 530p, Thurs 530p
(Adv can attend M for "combined" class)
AM folks (530a, 930a) appear to have plenty of diversity with CrossFit, Strength, CF, and KB.
As the pic suggests, anyone needing more than 3x wk is prolly eating too much.
Anyone interested in turning Monday nights in to a Mt. Bike or Trail Run night? Alternatively, we could meet at The Old Country Buffet to get us ready for the Tuesday night workout.
Monday is not a Beginners class but a Combined class so all "advanced" have to be on their A-game since the Beginners listen better!
Never mind then on my post.
I agree with the "clean eating" I did the atkins for years and I always lost wieght really fast but I as soon I ate any kind of carb I felt super guilty.. I feel mucho healthier. I just hate working out in the humidity it freakin kills me.
Who is really advanced and who is really beginner? Aren't we all advanced compared to someone and really a beginner compared to others. There are people in the world that really believe that BS that I just wrote!
BS? Didn't you think you were Advanced until you saw the Burpee w/ OH Clap? Perspective. Can we further discuss this distinction at OCB Club w/ BF on monday nights?
I am a beginner to you and I do believe whatever you write. Bob. Let's ride! Before winter's here. We can pretend that Ganly's rail is Old Country Buffet. Also Monday will get a lot of weekend int/adv sinners looking for consumption redemption. BYOM (Bring your own mops). If the shoe fits......
hero week is my favorite time of year!
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