Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Attitude: For the Fallen

Operation Phoenix Widget

Many CrossFit gyms have their own variation of "For the Fallen" Workouts. Recently, CrossFit Front Range held a version for Veterans Day, here's their description:

"5280 is the number of KIA in Iraq and Afghanistan to date. You are here. They are not. Get in here and work your ass off."

As a group, accummulate reps for soldiers killed in action. What exercises will you choose from? Hmmm...box jump, double-under, burpee, pullup, pushup, situp, squat, wall ball, ball slams, OH walking lunges, 400 meter run (sandbag, vest available for extra challenge), kb snatch/swing, and maybe others.

Cost: $10 donation to Operation Phoenix (please put $ in box at gym). There is no CF punch that day. Also, even if you aren't participating, please consider making a donation.

What is Operation Phoenix?
Operation Phoenix is a CrossFit initiative that will raise the necessary funds to equip the entire United States Marine Corps with functional fitness equipment to increase combat preparedness, reduce injury, and strengthen unit cohesion. This will be accomplished through non-profit sales, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations. Every penny raised will go directly to "America's Fighting Force," the USMC.


DanO said...

Now I am even more STOKED for this event! Let's get a big turnout and represent for our troops!

Unknown said...

So, we should come with a list of exercises to do? Of course I had to divide the numbers out...for a group of 3, it would take approx 18 exercises if each person did 100 reps. if you have a group of 4, it would be 17 exercises....Is that the jist of it? : )

Wakinyan4 said...

I believe it does not matter how many exercises you do just the reps, you could potentially do 5 excersises with 5 people and do a 1,000 reps each.
So, one person could do 1,000 pushups, another could do 1,000 pull-ups, another could do 1,000 burpees, another could do 1,000 Jack Webs, and the last person could do 1,000 Eight Count Body Builders.
I think that sounds just about right!

Unknown said...

and Johnny, you can do 1000 box jumps...NOT!

Bob said...

I say we just get a 5000 person team and each do 1 rep.

Matt_D said...

What time?

marshall said...

I'm in…any body need me for a team?

ScottD said...

So back to Matt's question. Or did I miss it tonight? Come on. That would not be any way to raise $$$, we need notice!

SteveC said...

Afterwards each team has to drink 5000 ounces.

Matt: I think the Halloween workout starts at 5:30PM.

Matt_D said...

Sorry for the lack of notice, so here it is.
Go NOTICE the Tuesday Attitude post on November 10th.

JMP: there are several groups of 2 that would need folks, so sign on with one at the gym, or just show up that day and jump in!

ScottD said...

was Tuesday on Tuesday?

marshall said...

Thanks Matt…JMP is Marshall by the way!

ScottD said...

No need to get your panties in a bunch Matt, you flatter me by thinking that I can remember one Tuesday post from the next. Now that I know the Operation Phoenix workout was yesterday, it's all good!

ScottD said...

The wheels on the bike go round and round......

ScottD said...

make that a bus.

Matt_D said...

sorry for that. Thanks for the check. I can see how the intended wit sounded abrasive....not CF style!

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