Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday Updates

1) Chris explains a variation of "The Grind" to the Wednesday Beginner class. Notice the focused attention, keen listening skills, and inquisitive minds. Please use the demo-explanation time wisely, listening for biomechanical cues, scaling and thinking about modifications. DURING the circuit/WOD is not the time to be asking about such things...when the clock is running, every second counts. Thanks for your cooperation.

2) Tuesday November 17th. Corps Fitness appreciation night at Winedown Cafe'. CFers receive 10% off their check totals (bring your dog tag). Some complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be served between 5 and 7pm. Also, $25 holiday gift certificates on sale for only $20!

3) Sunday November 22nd. 9-11am. For the Fallen Workout. To be completed in small groups of 4-6 people. Please sign list at the gym so we can get a head-count. Come with a pre-set group or come as an individual and join a group that day. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced...and even Non-CFers welcome!!!! Please consider attending and saying "Thanks" by blowing out some reps for the over 5000 soldiers who have fallen in Operation Enduring Freedom.

4) Thursday November 26th. Annual Thanksgiving Day Cadence Run and Class!!! TBA. Regular CF class schedule cancelled that day.

5) Friday November 27th. Black Friday Special. Hero WOD "Jake" (Jason Moletzsky). 9am. Regular CF class schedule cancelled that day... but since Tennis Karen will ask if this can start earlier:) the answer is yes.

6) Sunday December 6th. TRX System Trainers demo class.TBA

7) Other.


Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for thinking of me! Unfortunately, we go away for Tday.....I was already thinking of what potential classes I might miss with all the eating I'll be doing! How about a special Sunday "make-up" class for all of us missing Thurs, Fri and Sat workouts??? : ) If not, I'll drag my nephews out and make them do stuff with me...

Matt_D said...

We'll miss you! And you won't be missing any workouts...The standard missed-class-on-vacation-workout is "150 Burpees" (each day)...your nephews can Thank us later.

Oh, and JJ wants to know what time on Sunday?:)

tanner said...

Dude I have a freaking trx its just fancy rings and for that matter not as good

Wakinyan4 said...

This Sunday?

Unknown said...

are y'all talking about the same Sunday or different Sundays...or would that be Sundae?? : )

Matt_D said...

Who is going to be there.

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