Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday CFer

Does CF need a new category..."Advanced beginner"? Karen's always ready with her hard-working, positive, pleasant attitude at the Wed/Sat Beginner classes!

Name: Karen Rowe, 31

How’d you hear about it/When did you start?
I had heard about Corps Fitness a few years ago but didn’t actually start going until this past summer. My husband started taking both Corps Fitness and Cross Fit classes (Chris teaches classes where he works), and he would come home all the time and tell me how hard it was, and kept telling me how I should start going too. I saw the results with my husband and decided to give it a try.

Why do you like CF? Or why do you keep coming back?
I like the classes for a couple of reasons. First off, I don’t think you could get this kind of workout anywhere else. There is no way I would work this hard by just going to the gym myself. I also like that the workouts are always different and you never get bored doing the same thing over and over. I keep coming back because of that, and I’ve really enjoyed meeting the people who attend the same Wednesday and Saturday classes I go to. It’s a great group of people and I feel comfortable with them. It’s never a competition and we know we’re all there for the same reasons, and try to help and motivate each other.

What other activities do you do to stay fit?
Staying home to raise two young girls doesn’t leave me with a lot of time for myself, but I do try to get them outside and we take lots of walks. My husband and I also like to take the girls on hikes and try to do that whenever we get a chance.

Most and least favorite exercises?
I can honestly say I am not a fan of bends & thrusts or burpees. I guess my favorite would be doing ab exercises since having my second daughter left me with less than a bikini body!

What’s a personal challenge you have at CF?
To not always end up at the back of the line when we run – running is definitely not a strength of mine!

Most memorable moment?
Realizing that I was starting to be able to do more than two pushups (not on my knees).

What would you like to see at CF?
I enjoy the classes the way they are, and hope to see more people discover the challenge of Corps Fitness.


Wakinyan4 said...

Nice job on Sunday CF'er.
We worked out in the same group on Saturday, I believe it's time to graduate to the next level. You can do it!

DanO said...

I agree with Wakinyan (Johnny U). You are ready to join the advanced team!

Jan said...

Keep up the great work!

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