Monday, November 16, 2009

Did you know...a blood type diet?

"According to naturopath Peter J. D'Adamo, N.D., in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type, the missing link might be the four basic blood types: O, A, B, and AB. "There had to be a reason why there were so many paradoxes in dietary studies and disease survival," why some people lose weight and others do not on the same diet or why some people keep their vitality as they age, and others do not, says Dr. D'Adamo."
(Excerpted From: Alternative Medicine Digest, Future Medicine Publishing)

Read more about it here.


Pete Groff said...

I have type Ok.

"Ok.... I'll have fries with that burger"

Maria_C said...

Good stuff! And at the very, very least, if we say to ourselves that we don't have the time or money to get into the blood typing , not that we shouldn't as it's a great thing to do, but if we don't, then it seems wise to be balanced in all the most basic, fundamental diets as possible. WATER-MINERALS(SALT)-OIL-CHLOROPHYLL.

And Pete, if you like a burger with your zero bodyfat, that's fine too? lol

SteveC said...

I am against blood typing. I don't think that people should not be prejudged based on their blood type. Instead we should get to know someone and judge them as an individual.

Matt_D said...

If we already know their blood-type then it's not PRE-judging...we're stereotyping them AFTER we know what type they that OK then?

And anyway...the other day you were saying "Bs never do their pushups right." "ABs don't go down on their squats." and "We always have to run because of the Os."
You're a blood hater!

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