Back-to-School Half Price Punch Card Day: I gotta do that for a 1/2 price punch-card? Is it hard to understand what's wrong with those folks who showed up?
(915 reps, click on image):
Section 1 The Warm Up (50 swing 50 Jumping Jack, 40 Swing 40 Steam Engine, 30 Swing 30 Mountain Climbers, etc)
Run 400m
Section 2 The Rounds (5-10-15/5 rds: that's 10 KB Pull Catch)
Hill Run
Section 3 The Abyss (10 High Pull/10 Pull Up/10 OH Squat, then 9 of each, then 8, etc)
Youse are tough as nails!
Make it harder next time! We gotta work for that discount punch card...
What mental patient puts a hill run 2/3 of the way through a workout like that???? WTF!!!
Did you choose the proper KB load for the 405 KB reps?
Takes one to know one...1/2 of it was that any consolation?
lmao, was that the problem?
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