“Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood is ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence ... What are the fruits of silence? They are self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity and reverence. Silence is the cornerstone of character."
-Ohiyesa, Santee Sioux
An overwhelming 2 responses to the Tuesday Attitude post last week...so let's give it another try. Do you have a mantra or quote that summarizes "our world"? That 60 minutes of special-ness that happens inside Bldg. 7? It could be a personal saying or famous quote...something that helps you get through?
Welcome to our world...the pain is inevitable, the self-pity is optional. Post yours to comments.

On an unrelated note, (do we expect wisecracks about "before/after" pics of Livewrong?) a while back the CrossFit Girl Barbara mated with the unstable mind of Karate Steve...this unlikely union spawned a workout titled, "The Barbarian."
It may be offered as a Sunday Special on Sept. 20 around 9:30 or 10...stay tuned to the Thursday Updates for confirmation.
Welcome to our world......where the strong survive and the weak don't come.
That's sweet and more serious than anticipated (of course there's still time for Dan-Oh to chime in...5 bucks says he works in "thrusters and snatches"...pressure is on DW!).
PS. Livewrong pic (the top pic) was from Aug 08...JJ's a machine!
I thought that was Johnny's "before" pic on the Sept 8 post! Check it out
You're a bad man...a very, very bad man!
Berks County Calender of Events
Fausnaught Night at the Old Country Buffet.
BCTV Dance Party Live at the RiverRedge.
Two for One Ball Surgery Day At Reading Hospital.
Corps Fitness with Chris Kaag.
DanO, that is a great summary of our workouts. After one hour I feel like I have done all of that!
Tuesday's Attitude...
"The trick is to stay positive in a sea of negativity. The trick is to know that the process is working even when it "looks" as if it is not."
Let's be honest. By the time we get to Burpee # 30 or 50 the ego kicks in and says, "how the heck am I going to make it, or am I going to make it?" Yes, the breathlessness and dizzy spells trick us into thinking that we may not have much left, but we always have more, much more. Stay positive. Stay focused even when it "looks" as if we are drowning in the sea. Chances are, we are a lot further along than we realize.
Livewrong...is your cast wrapped too tight? That was mine!?
OK, I'll change mine.
Welcome to our world...fausnaughts, straight-jackets, and a sea of negativity.
OK, I have one. It's short and to the point. "Fuck Ow!"
Livewrong and Matt: You are both out of luck, a fortune cookie locked that one up last week(by the way, the lucky numbers are 32, 27, 5, 14).
"The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war"
You freak...add up the numbers...78....7+8=15...you posted this on the 15th of September...Magi!
PS. Sun Tzu? For real? Or did you read that on the wall at Tiger Schulman's?
The originator of that quote about war was none other than Field Marshall Erwin Rommel......
Whoa...hold on...so Steve took it from Tiger (during karate lessons), who took it from Rommel (trying to conquer the world), who took it from Sun Tzu (looking for the Tao)...am I following this? All just to describe what it's like at CF?
I thought you were talking about the quote from James....
Rommel said that?
How about "aw fuck..." b/c who the hell can follow these streams of BS? Aaaand that is often what I'm saying as I move from star jumps to scissor lunges to burpees (thank you Matt D).
I remember reading that quote...I think it was in Health class.
Welcome to our world...are we going clockwise?
I wish I could take credit for my favorite which was on someone's water bottle, " Pain is weakness leaving the body." After the Buffet of Pain, I'm weakness-free.
Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the world down.
"Pain is weakness leaving the body." -US Marines
Do "The Barbarian" just to be sure any weakness has been exorcised.
I don't remember that episode of Walker, Texas Ranger.
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