(Mike L. works on his Chi Running pose during a 400m punishment run.)
Name, age: Mike Lawrence, 50 – for real
Why do you like CF? It is a workout unlike any other. I don’t care if you are training for a marathon, triathlon, or weight lifting competition, CF is going to kick your butt.
How’d you hear about it? I was going to a gym that Chris (the Commander) taught a few classes. I decided to try one just for something different. Man was it different.
Why do you keep coming back? Chris’s positive attitude and the fellow CF’ers are a big draw. Everyone is very encouraging. Also, I’m not sure what I’d replace it with. The total body experience is amazing. I still like to swim, bike and run but you gotta have CF in the mix.
What other activities do you do to stay fit? I do some triathlons (sprint and Olympic). I am getting into some mountain biking (crashing). I do like to throw some 5 and 10k’s in there.
Do you use CF to train for any sport or activity? Not really. I do it for all around fitness. It helps me in everything I do.
Most and least favorite exercises? There are many favorites but if I have to pick just one I would have to say I love the Burpees! Least favorite is probably Burpees. That would go for pretty much every other exercise we do.
What’s a personal challenge you have at CF? When you’ve had a tough day and you show up for class, it’s sometimes difficult to push yourself to get the reps. Chris and Matt usually take care of that in short time. The other challenge is bringin’ the salt!
Most memorable moment? Ahhhh, there are so many. Some of my most memorable days at CF would be when someone else and I tried to max rep until we dropped, Karate Steve’s 12 days of Christmas, Dan’s bizarre comments and the desire of folks like Johnny U. Since going to Corp Fitness, my most memorable moment is my second place finish (in my age group) in Las Vegas Triathlon.
What would you like to see at CF? I would like to see more people get the benefit of exercise, friendship and positive environment that we all get from this crazy place.
Karate: Is this style defensible, at all, or would you just tap-out?
Thanks Mike for sharing...it made for an entertaining read!
Lookin good ML! Did Mr. Miyagi have a hand in that pose, or is that all your own doing?
Thanks for sharing Mike!
If done right... no can defend. Screw tapping out, I would just chirun away as fast as I can.
Hey Mike, I got a car that needs a little...."wax on...wax off" Fun read..YOU NUTT!!!
I thought your were doing an Iraqi jumping jack in this pic!
So many variations to the Iraqui jumping jack. You will notice that the hands are not pointed upward but are carefully formed in a downward direction. As far as self defense, most of you notice that I am a fairly skinny guy. Must best defense in the past is when be confronted act totally deranged. It has served me well for 50 years! Karate, if you see that pose you should be scared but not nearly as scared as what comes next; peeing the pants!!!
Great defense. Who would want to fight with a guy that just wet himself.
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