This guy's an inspiration...because he gives a wicked competitive push every class? Maybe.
Because at like 6'6" he bearcrawled 18 laps? Possibly.
Or because he arrives with pink, pastry-filled boxes? Could be.
Name: Adam Ressler, 31
How’d you hear about it/When did you start?
A friend of mine heard about this great workout that sounded a little like our college track workouts, had to check it out! Turns out it’s even better.
Why do you like CF? Why do you keep coming back?
It is an awesome workout that allows you to push yourself as hard and as far as you can. It’s only good if it hurts! I keep coming back for the workouts and the people. So many awesome people (and now friends) are there you just can’t miss it.
What other activities do you do to stay fit?
Basketball, lots of basketball.
Do you use CF to train for any sport or activity?
I like to pretend I will still throw javelin at a high level like in college. Also to keep up with the college kids in basketball.
Most and least favorite exercises?
Most favorite would probably be wall ball, uses all your muscles. Least favorite, any upper body exercise (my arms are weaker than a 5 year old girl’s).
What’s a personal challenge you have at CF?
Improve my cardio, so I can keep up with my wife when we run (crazy runner people!)
Most memorable moment?
Finishing the Ironman triathlon with Jackson and the awesome CFers who waited with us and ran with us on our last six laps.
What would you like to see at CF?
A recurring challenge series where you can measure yourself against your last performance to see how much you can improve. Not that we need motivation but this would be fun and I'm a little competitive (just ask Lauren).
Way to work hard Adam!!!
Always working hard Adam. You keep me motivated!
You always inspire me, especially since we share that cursed asthma thing!!
All that pain and suffering brings a smile to my face. I think we all have a problem.
You are the freakin' king. Way to go and thanks for pushing me.
nice job IRONMAN
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