Wednesday Beginner's Class blows out a CrossFit Michael and alotta Tabata! Nice!
1) Don’t forget the Beginner Classes: A great time to learn the execises, get acclimated to the pace, and meet some really terrific people!
2) Friday KB: Roses, Crescent Moons, & Unicorns! (Advanced KBers read that as: "Pods of Bitter Affliction")
3) Sunday, September 27: Wilderness Challenge. GO TEAM CFers!
4) Sunday, October 11: Reading Hospital 5k & 10k. Come out for a run or simply come out to join the fun at the CF/IM ABLE tent.
5) “The Barbarian”: Sunday, September 20, 10am. The typical Sunday Special...very challenging...get your endurance on!
Is Conan coming to class to teach the Barbarian....? What sort of EVIL is this THING??? Should I wear my HORNED VIKING helmet, maybe bring a sword...................to smote down the instructor if it gets to RAD...
"Rad"!?...way to stay with the '80s barbarian theme, Beastmaster.
Exactly...It appears that someone took the workout Barbara, added some natural & synthetic performance enhancers, dressed it up with a sword & viking helmet (that's a weird fantasy...who made this one up again?)...
Treasure Hunt: What is the CrossFit WOD Barbara? Post here to comments.
Barbara, or as I like to call her, "Babs", is as follows:
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
Rinse and Repeat for 5 Rounds
Drawing on my Management Science Degree at Lock Haven University I have made the following rep calculations:
100 Pull Ups
150 Push Ups
200 Sit Ups
250 Air Squats
700 Total Reps
I wonder what this looks like dressed in animal skins and head lice.
When this WOD is posted it also gives a 3 minute rest between each round.
3 minute rest between rounds??? You kidding me?? That is sacrareligious, they don't call it "Corps" Fitness for nothing......PHOOOL!!!
Dan O ...I can come dressed in animal skins, absent the head lice of course......
20 Ring Pulls
30 KB Sumo High Pulls
40 Lunges
50 Weighted Situps
5 Rounds for Time:
I didn't say WE get a rest. Just pointing out as RX'd on the CF website......
Sounds interesting. I'm there!
LWJ: It's more traditional to wear body armor or weighted vest during a workout...you could be DQ'd if you only wear a loin cloth.
DW: Spot on with the math. Good news is that we have the same # of Air Squats!
BF: True, a workout named Barbara would be more likely to include rest than a workout named Barbarian. But it's also true that a Burpee includes a jump, no? So there's always time to "rest in the air!"
All: Has Karate been suspiciously quiet on this topic or what?
He is a scared.....
I do not want to be doing sit ups under the "Beastmaster" if he is doing pull ups with animal skins on.
DanO, Never, I repeat, NEVER do the math on these type of exercises. That is PHOOLISH!
I can't make the Barbarian this Sunday. Will it be the first four digit rep workout?
Here's one for next time - Filthy Fifty's evil step sister. The Hellacious Hundred (all the 10 of the Filthy Fifty exercises but with 100 reps). That's 1000 from what I can calculate.
Looks like the Rhabdo post knocked some sense into people...and really, it's not that bad of a workout, only 5 exercises and running.
PS. Karate called out sick, too, BF, so you're not alone.
I'll be fresh from church ready to slay the Barbarian with The Lord on my side! Unless I drink too much communion wine again.
There's quite a bit that's disturbing about that, but the word "again" might be the most frightening!:)
"Almost 20 years of pitiless cumber! No rest, no sleep like other men." - Conan
I am scared but not of the workout. I am scared that in mid burpee Livewrong's loin cloth will catch air revealing his Conads.
Conad Obrien
Now this blog is hilarious, Steve and Scott you guys are killing me!!!!
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