Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Attitude: Makes me wonder...

Sequoia Sempervirens (giant redwoods): Little sapling children when Vesuvius buried Pompeii...towering Adults when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Estimated to be 3000-5000 years old!

"The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you still wonder-full...Why is the sky blue? How did they make the Pyramids? Is a platypus a mammal?

What wonders drive your strength and endurance?


Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder to be wonder-full! Since I have a longer drive than normal due to construction on 222 (Johnny knows about it!) I have to say I do notice the sunrise/pretty sky and certain plants along the roadside that I would not normally see...I guess there is a silver lining to the long drive! : )

Wakinyan4 said...

I wonder if some day I will be fit enough to backpack the AT, climb a few fourteener's in the Sierra Nevada's and complete a 24-hour mt bike race going solo........that is what helps motivate me....besides seeing my favorite Raptor's along the drive north and south on 222...

Trish the dish said...

You are singin' my tune Matt...Brian and I look forward to the days that we can strap our backpacks on again, with our daughter Emma, and share with her all the things we fell in love with during our little backpacking tour of the National Parks. We hope for her to be able to see and enjoy these things before they drastically change.

James A said...

Aliens built the pyramids. :-)

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