Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Kettle-love

KB Form
Pic 1 & 2, KB coming through, solid DL position, tall on the float.
Pic 3: 12 o'clock at the top of the Snatch, bell deep in thumb crease.

Circuit: 50 on, 10 off
Ladder/Jump, Pull Catch, Rope Heave, Band Jump, Pull Snatch, Wall Ball, KB Sit Up, JJ/Lunge (Swing after 3)
End: 5/5 Snatch, Handwalk, Step PU, Plank Walk

PS. Thursday Night Review: 3 Pods
Abs: Snow Angel, B-buster, Plank Knee, Bbar Crunch (1min Pike/Lsit)
Legs: Step Ups, Side Hurdle, Sandbag Squat, Weighted Lunge (1min Gd Mrng, ACS)
Arms: AC Press, Handwalk, Curls, Polar Bear Walk (1 min DB Raises)

I heard a new one do you know a true CFer? could tell them the workout is 200 Burpees, they say, "Cool, and what are we doing after that?"

Gotta love all the folks who show up and have problems with limits!! Keep pushing!

PSS. Sunday Special: "From Corps Fitness, With Love" Valentine's Day, 9am, bring a Whitman Sampler, it'll be a while!

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Bob said...
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