2) Sign up for Weight Loss Challenge Girls v Boys by Monday September 6. For instructions, visit this post. If you don't read the blog, then follow the signs at the gym.
3) Labor the Day Away Weekend.
- Regular CF Classes: Saturday Sept. 4
- Scaffidi Sunday Special: Sunday Sept. 5, 3pm
- Labor Day Cadence Run: Monday Sept. 6, 8am (Wyomissing Pool Parking Lot)
- Labor Day Combined Class: Monday Sept. 6, 9am (CF)...Refresh memories of Labor Day 09?
now THAT's special! see ya'll this weekend
Matt, Is there anything at the gym about the Labor the Day Away Weekend? I don't read the blog.
New schedule question: Is the friday class now no longer KB specific? not that we only did KB, but it concentrated on that. Also, no luck in having a 5am class, huh?? : )
Tennis Karen
T-Karen...were your ears ringing this week??? :) I've been wondering where you've been! Hope all is well and that you've had a great summer! Hope to see you soon!!! :)
Hey Melissa! Hope to start coming to some early classes soon....would LOVE to have a 5am workout in there though : )
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