Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday Progressions

3 station progressions:
a) Neg. Chin Up - KTE - Jumping PU
b) Monkey Squat - Air Squat - Squat Jump
c) Side Raise - Iron Cross - Hearts
d) Med Suicide - Jingle Jangle - Quick Step
e) Bbar Crunch - Combo Crunch - Lsit
f) Thrusts - B&T - Burpee


Wakinyan4 said...

I'm gonna try this one more time; I have yet to find someone who does not have the mental capacity to complete circuit training at CF. So, I have to ask the question what gives, the instructions are written down, the instructions are read, the exercises are demonstrated, and their are folks at each station who are doing them correctly. Have I misrepresented anything so far? I don't think so....So why are we running laps in the wind and rain because folks can't follow directions or keep their lids shut???? The punishment is fair, I have no issues with, WHAT I HAVE ISSUES WITH ARE FOLKS MAKING EVERYONE ELSE SUFFER BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS OR PAYING ATTENTION! Please take into consideration your fellow squad members and GET YOUR SH!T TOGETHER.....There will not be another written warning, consider this STRIKE TWO!! Enough is enough, it is CALLED AN INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED CLASS FOR A REASON. THINK IT IS NOT ILLEGAL YET!! LiveWrong, Johnnie, switters or whatever you want to call me, S.O.B. is fine too, just figure it out and get your sh!t wired tight!! It's not about YOU, it's about ALL OF US!!

Matt_D said...

"sh!t wired tight!!"...dag, JJ...

Wakinyan4 said...

dag, Matt, I feel a night of drowning in frothy-white and brown, pints of ice-cold Guinness coming on.........

Adam R said...

I think the Guinness is supposed to wait till Wednesday. Oh well a little practice never hurt anyone.

Unknown said...

y'know I am always yelling and threatening that I will NOT do hill runs for screw ups! I'm right there with ya JU. Stop chatting, pay attention & ask BEFORE we get going!!!!! Not a hard concept! Can't wait to get back to CF full-time and start dropping my f-bombs again. Who's missed me??!!

Unknown said...

I missed you Mere!

Unknown said...

I missed you, too, Mer. I actually don't care when people screw up, more bang for my buck! Maria N

Wakinyan4 said...

I missed you too mere......

Maria N: I can put on my track shoes and run out my front door for free anytime, I don't pay to run, I pay to do Circuit Training Corps Fitness style.....;)

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