I think the pictures say it all, it was kinda like being in a haze......never put pen to paper to design a workout while drinking.....it always looks good in ink, it's a whole other story when you put it in sweat and blood........But boys and girls it was beautious!!!!
You would think the older you get the wiser you get. For me "NO". When Johnny asks me (over a few brews) what would you really hate to do at Corps Fitness, I know I shouldn't answer. But I do. I am a PHOOL!
I think the pictures say it all, it was kinda like being in a haze......never put pen to paper to design a workout while drinking.....it always looks good in ink, it's a whole other story when you put it in sweat and blood........But boys and girls it was beautious!!!!
Thanks Dan-O looking forward to it... Did those knuckles stop bleeding yet, I told you about hitting imovable objects.....PHOOLISH.....!!
You would think the older you get the wiser you get. For me "NO". When Johnny asks me (over a few brews) what would you really hate to do at Corps Fitness, I know I shouldn't answer. But I do. I am a PHOOL!
Kudos Johnny. That was a good one.
Thanks! There was supposed to be a "Hill Run" at the end but we ran out of time.....
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