Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday "Did you know...?" It's where you place the modifier.

Sentence 1: "Ashley was focused on eating too healthy."
Sentence 2: "Ashley was too focused on eating healthy."

Too healthy, clean, truly natural?
Too consumed, preoccupied, anxious and insecure?
(Aren't you glad it's not a dangled participle!)

And, yes, though not yet a formal diagnosis...this is referred to as "Orthorexia." The argument is whether it exists separate from other Anxiety/OCD/Eating Disorders."While an anorexic wants to lose weight, an orthorexic does not desire to become thin but wants to feel pure, healthy and natural." (wikipedia)
Wikipedia it here.
Time it here.

1 comment:

Maria_C said...

I have already been diagnosed! ;)

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