Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Double Cheeseburger

Aha, that title caught your attention, I see.

This post isn't about burgers...but it's kind of like a burger. You know, initially a burger is good with all its aroma and juicy, drippy fattiness. But then the reality sets feel like crap as it festers in your intestines and offers no energy...a total let-down.

Such it will be with this post...catchy title, and in the end, a total let-down.

So here we go. Many of you are entering racing and competition season. The races are coming fast and furious. So be mindful of your fuel intake and timing (pre- & post-workout). Or others, because of the nice weather, will just be working out more, all together.

Here's an interesting article on fueling up.

Also, check out these Top 10 foods for endurance.
Or these Top 10 foods for endurance.

And remember, even amid hard core training, don't be afraid to count calories. It creates accountability. Those who fear the calorie count are probably doing something during the day that they ought not ("should I count the 3 sleeves of Thin Mints?")

And double remember, the CrossFit mantra...if it's got a label it ain't food.

And triple remember, OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNDAY MARCH 22, 10AM...WORKOUT and PRACTICE! If you're shaky on some better be there (did that sound mandatory....good!)! What's a deadlift? What's the difference between a Push-Press & a Thruster? Can you KB Swing? How do you start a Turkish-Get-Up? What's the first move of a Squat Clean? How do you kip in a Pull-Up? What's wrong with your Push-Up? How can I Burpee more efficiently? etc, etc, etc.

*****And there will be punch-card discounts for those who show.

Spread the word to newbies, too.

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