"-THESE GUYS ARE FOCUSED ON THE PROCESS NOT THE OUTCOME. How many of you guys out there are ’stop-watch whores’? You put out a sub 3 minute Fran but half of your thrusters you didn’t push your head all the way through, and 10 of your butterfly pull-ups were technically over the bar but not really? These guys aren’t like that. I get to workout with dutch pretty regularly and ALL his reps count. He is focused on the execution of the rep and not really the stopwatch. OPT - same way; look at all his videos and read the ROM requirements on the blog (borderline obsessed with the process). These guys focus FIRST on doing the movement flawlessly and SECOND on the clock. If your goal is to be the stud of your garage or gym, then this might not pertain to you BUT if your goal is to compete, then this has to be your mindset." Spencer Nix (CrossFitDallas)
Full reps, folks. Get the quality movement first, then start to blend the intensity. Go fast but don't hurry!
Oh so true!!!
Really......How hard is it to stand all the way up on a B&T?
Not hard...just slows you down so you don't finish first!
I agree you should stand all the way up on a b&t. You should also get a drink and rest a little. If you count by two's, you can still get done with a respectable time.
Sweeeet. Is that why your filthy 50 time is smoking...supreme form, but counting by 5s....? Always a technicality...read the fine print...nowhere does it say count by 1s!!
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