Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sporty circuit

Sporty Spices flyin' around the bodyweight circuit!
KB Rev. Lunge, Ball Crunch, Tuck Jump, L-sit, High Step, Contralateral Pushup, 1-leg hop, Scissor Leg Raise, JJ2BT

(Leg, Arm, Ab Blasters for a warm-up).


Wakinyan4 said...

Let's warm-up with......???
Air squats, scissor-lunges, squat jumps, and power lunges..........2x x 10......Someone once said; "Hell is the Impossibility of Reason......."

Matt_D said...

It seemed reasonable to let the legs cool off whilst doing Arm & Ab Blasters? "Rest in the air." PS. Does anyone know what time Dan-Oh is getting that award?

Pete Groff said...

Is dan at the pogo stick station?

Matt_D said...

Actually, that was Combo Crunch down in that corner! What's he doing??? Everyone outside for a 400!

Wakinyan4 said...

Ohhhh! So that's why we were outside running..........;)

Maria_C said...

Flying Combo Crunch?? It sounds like something only Karate would do!!

DanO said...

Don't you mean "Flying Combo Crunch Into Burpee"? I am surprised at you. You were there- you saw it for yourself! That pic did not do this exercise justice!

Maria_C said...

Is that what the final movement was?...Burpee?? When I glanced over, I thought it was strange that you were laying nose to the ground, arms pierced beneath your chest with your legs and feet tangled behind your head.

DanO said...

Give me a break- I was doing YOGA in between stations... Perhaps a video camera would have captured the true grace and form of this movement.

Maria_C said...

OH OK, I GET IT...YOGA. Video would be nice as I truly can't seem to appreciate your true grace and form after the sight I was left with.

ScottD said...

I am amazed that Dan can walk in the friggin' door with all the classes he attends!

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