Better than yesterday.Top 10 Reasons To Attend the Form Seminar:
10) Do you really have anything better to do?
9) When Chris yells “jump and shrug” you tend to curl, squat, press??!!
8) You’ve been doing CF for a while and haven’t seen the changes in your body (physique) that you’d like.
7) You think Swing is the only KB movement.
6) After a CF class, you aren’t sick-ill-exhausted.
5) You hope maybe one of those 1000 rep Sunday Specials will break out.
4) Your times posted to the CrossFit board are faster than Scott & Tanner’s.
3) You still have trouble with a proper squat, pull-up, and push-up.
2) You’re often heard asking, “Is that the one where you...?” And the #1 reason to attend...
1) You never want to hear your name and “Everyone Outside” in the same sentence!
Form Seminar, November 8, 10-noon
O-lifts, Bodyweight, KB, Rings, Jump Rope, Flexibility Screening, and more...
"Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." (Dale Carnegie)
This is YOUR opportunity to hone your skills, master the that you can get the most out of your time in a CF class. Whether Beginner just learning the moves or Advanced who has become complacent...this is for YOU! Read here the CrossFit version...a title that is brilliant "
The Non-Negotiability of Perfection."
It can really be deflating to want to "get in shape" but not know if it's happening. Isn't that tough? We can work for weeks, months...and not really know. A great motivator to combat apathy, frustration, or complacency is to think...what did I do that is better than yesterday?!
At CF, everything you do and in every way you do it ought to be focused on BETTER THAN YESTERDAY. What does BETTER THAN YESTEDAY look like for you?
PS. Also, please spread the word about the Halloween Party...please email other CFers who may not check this blog!! Thanks!