On Sunday July 27th, Corps Fitness & CrossFit Berks will be featuring a Blauer Tactical Systems PDR system seminar from 10am-2pm led by Steve Wakefoose a certified PDR Coach. Tony Blauer's S.P.E.A.R system is the first genetically and behaviorally inspired self-defense system of its kind. By fully integrating the body's reflexive and instinctive survival mechanisms, the Personal Defense Readiness system becomes the easiest, most natural, and thus most-efficacious method of self-defense. Regardless of prior experience, this course will increase your chances of personal protection significantly.
We only have room for 20 people. Pre register before July 21st and you'll receive a FREE: Cerebral Self Defense 2 CD set. The original tape on fear management, awarness tips, mind set, and much more. The mental side of training is the most neglected side. Includes drills and concepts on verbal de-escalation, personal fear management, developing your intuition and much, much more! Sign up at Corps Fitness or email
Chris if you would like to attend or have any questions. Cost is $55.
Click here for more information about Steve and Providence Combatives