Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31 Workout

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
-General George S. Patton

Chalk it up...another outstanding Combined Class...old-style! (Beg. 30 sec; Adv. 45 sec)
B&T Hurdle, Low Crawl, Hack Squat/Raise, DB Leg Raise, Toe Tap, ACP, Lunge Press, Fig8 Sprint, JumpPU, KB Crunch, Tire Blast, Lumberjack

Memorial Day 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday CFer

Congratulations to Mags! 8th in the State of PA 3200m (10:49...uh-huh!)

Her next feat is RD of the R U ABLE 5K. Get the word out about this June 20 race. Pick up an application at the gym or register online.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Perfect Pods

An awesome sequence of exercises.

CK Policing...

Police your own.

1) Ring Row, KTE, Jack Webbs, Burpees (1min Double Under)
2) Rope Climb, Alt. Superman, Side Plank, Hip Ext (1min Suicide)
3) B&TJump, Decline PU, Air Squat, Good Morning (1min Lunge Drill)

Warm Up AND Cool Down (...3-count)
10 PushUp
20 Lying JJ
30 B&T
40 Combo Crunch
50 JJ
40 Combo Crunch
30 B&T
20 Lying JJ
10 PushUp

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hot Grinder

No, not the hoagie version...but it was HOT!

25 DB Heaves
25 Box Jumps
25 KTE
15 Tire Flip
Quick Step
400m bar/MB carry between exercises.

BTW: Got the Nerve? Triathlon 2010 Results

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday Updates

1) Memorial Day Special Schedule: Monday May 31
8am Cadence Run (park at lot on Old Mill across from Wyo Pool)
9am Combined Class (at CF)

2) Sunday June 6: 9:00A, Here Comes Summer Sunday Special.

3) Sunday June 20: R U ABLE 5K. If you are participating, put your name on the list at the gym (we're trying to get a sense of how many CFers are going). Also, please spread the word about this event.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Form: Squat, Deadlift, Swing, Oh My!

"a proper squat has hips below knee height, weight on the heels, knees in alignment with the feet..." (CrossFit main site). Though squats may look different for different people based on several variables, one being "length of hinge system", all proper squats adhere to these basic principles.

Not to be confused with a Deadlift: "Proper set up for the deadlift: Natural lumbar curve, hips higher than the knees, shoulders in front of the bar, weight on the heels." (CrossFit main site)

Which, in turn, should be confused with a KB Swing. Born from the Deadlift, the Swing cues will sound very much like a Deadlift.

None of which look like a Burpee OH Clap. Better than Yesterday!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

That's a giant circuit you got there.

Rare glimpse at the T 9:30A class digging out the big Transition workout.

T 5:30P class Skills Work: Partners get 100 B&T Reach, Air Squats while you rest.
Circuit: Side Push Off, Step PU, Box Drill, Dips, Sprint, V2Pump, 1-leg hop, MB PU, Rev. Lunge, Plankwalk

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday Attitude: "If we can't live together...

then we're gonna die alone."
This TA is for the Losties in the crowd!
"Do not mistake co-incidence for fate."
" it because you need to look down the barrel of a gun to find out what you really believe...?"
“It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.”

And, of course...
"See you in another life brother."

PS. Dunk K-tri: 6P, Exeter DQ

On a mission to transition!

8Ct, Step Over, OH Lunge (Side Step)
JM Rows, Burpee, KB Slasher (Crabwalk)
Deadbug, Wt Sit Up, Windmill (High Knee)
JJ2BT, Woodchop, DB Swing/Tri Ext (Bear Crawl)

Monday "Did you know...?" BMI

Let's say that a person who practices Brazilian Jui Jitsu has a BMI of 27...but only 15% body fat. His (oops, "This person's") body fat % is healthy and athletic, but on BMI he'd be considered overweight (shall we say, "Pre-Obese")?!

Huh? Figures lie. And liars figure.

So, other than the numbers on the scales, how do you gauge your fitness?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday CFers: Spice and Everything Nice!

But no Sugar for this group.

Sam explains the dos & don'ts of the "No Sugar Challenge."

If you want to get onboard, email her.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday CFers!

Overheard at GTN:
"Oh, I didn't recognize you because you were working." (ah, the loving bonds of the CF family)

Congrats to all competitors and race volunteers for another hugely successful GTN!

Tomorrow (Sunday 5/23) 9:00AM: "No Sugar Challenge" (weigh-ins, body fat, and INFO)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Got the Nerve? Weekend

Ok, so we'll be offline for bit whilst the GTN festivities occur. So here's some food for thought, something to percolate on, let marinade in the ol' noggin'.

This blog piece about Effort was forwarded to me, and, how about the remarkable similarities to our fitness experience at CF?!

"If all you're doing is the standard amount, all you're going to get is the standard compensation."

The "last 10%"...gotta love the concept!!

"The secret is to seek out the work that most people believe isn't worth the effort."

Now we have a name for where results can be obtained at CF...the "last 10%"...CFers, you "Got the Nerve"!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Updates

Got The Nerve? Week

1) TODAY: Truck loading, 630P; Pre-Race Packet Pickup, 6-7:30P; Gym.

2) Friday May 21: Set Up, Noon; Pre-Race Packet Pickup, 2-6P; Mt. Gretna.

3) Saturday May 22: Gym Closed...GTN 2010!

4) Sunday June 6: 9:00A, Here Comes Summer Sunday Special. It's been way too long since we've gotten together for a Sunday Special. The great thing about these work-outs is the mix of AM/PM folks and catching up with CFers (also, who doesn't want an extra workout before bathing-suit weather?!). So please mark your calendars for this one!

5) Sunday June 20: R U ABLE 5K, MARK YOUR CALENDARS! One of our CF high schoolers is completing a community service project by serving as Race Director for this 5K. Proceeds benefit IM ABLE. Let's have a significant CF presence to support this outstanding CF gal! Spread the word! Show up! Look for more info at the gym, too.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday Form: Comin' Back a-Round!

Rounding the back puts unequal pressure on the discs (especially lumbar region). (pic 1). Overtime, an accumulation of rounding the back starts to compromise the disc (bad form over and over and over again). The disc (nucleus pulposus) can start to bulge (see pic 2). Of course, then any action can cause a severe bulge or even burst, at this point it could be Deadlifting or simply bending over to tie one's shoe (pic 3).

What to do?
Identify the times you "round" through the day (picking up the paper, sitting at your desk, lifting DBs, etc)...and practice not doing it.
Work the Backside. A strong lower back helps to maintain the lumbar curve. Similarly, the hamstrings are responsible for keeping the hips vertical (especially in a squat) which keeps the spine tall.
Unlock the Hip Flexors. Tight hip flexors overpower hamstrings and encourage loss of lumbar curve.
Head up Chest Out.
If you feel disc-related pain, stop and consult a physician. Many slight herniations can be re-absorbed by the body with rest and proper stretches/exercises.
(As in, do not confuse any of this with medical advice. If you have concerns about back pain, consult an appropriate medical professional.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Attitude: It's like meditation...

only at really high intensity.

"We could say that meditation doesn't have a reason or doesn't have a purpose. In this respect it's unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music...When we make music we don't do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best...And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment." -Alan Watts

Make your time at CF reflect the same principle...IN THE MOMENT!

Monday, May 17, 2010

F-in' workout: Forearms and Finish Together!

(warm up Triathlon: Bear Crawl, Bicycle Crunch, 800m)
B&T Punch
Air Squat
Crabwalk/10 PU
*Relay between rds: Heavy Quick Step/400m Run
(Awesome finish together folks! Dedicated!)

Overheard at CF (recently):
"Jingle Jadder" (?)

Monday "Do you know..." Who can stop ya'?

Old-school CFers might remember this classic...

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." Ayn Rand

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday CFers: "Bye Bye, Uncle Chris..."

" my dust!"

The Mountain Handcycle is in use...hills, thrills...and no spills!Another way Chris (IM ABLE) shows people with a variety of interests and abilities how to "getupandmove"!
See video here.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Saturday: Tabata Mania

1) Neg PU, SeeSaw Press-Parkour BC
2) Walkabout, DB Raise-Side BC
3) Front Squat, Hip Ext-B&T Shuffle
4) Box Jump Squat, ACS-Quick Step
5) Honeymooner, Vtwist-Side Crabwalk
6) Bicycle Cr, Plankwalk-Crabwalk

Wow, yesterday's quote got some humdinger feedback...really it's just a cool quote because both "rhabdo" and "bastion" are used!:)

Anyway, it's clear to see that DJ "came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And she's all out of bubblegum." ****Name the actor and movie of that quote AND receive ONE (1) free punch to be used at a Tuesday 5:30PM class or Friday 5AM KB class. Post answer to comments. First correct wins.

MariaC's comment reminded me of quotes by Coach Glassman of CrossFit. Here's some, or go here for more. I bolded my fave...and the last one always makes me think of CF (magic in the movin' in the people!).

"Stick to the basics and when you feel you've mastered them it's time to start all over again, begin anew - again with the basics - this time paying closer attention."
"If you don't get the ABCs we don't jump into English Lit."
"All the charm of a house of cards in the wind." (on folks with poor form)
"Its like painting a dirty car. It's still dirty underneath." (on hiding bad form with more weight/speed).
"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error."
"For many of our people fitness training has become their sport--a sport where the aims are simply to become as fit as possible."
"The notion that holding a heart rate of 180 bpm for twenty minutes on a bike is good cardio whereas holding 180 bpm for twenty minutes in a circuit of weightlifting is of lesser cardiovascular value is widespread yet ludicrous."
"Be impressed by intensity, not volume."
"If you can brag about either a low 4's mile or a high 4's bench press you could also be a lot fitter."
"Have fun screwing means you are removing your ego from the problem."
"The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community."

Friday KB: LT extender

Pull Up, KB OH Walking Lunges, Drop PU, Box Jump, Swing, BT Broad Jump, High Pull, Straddle Side Hurdle

Skills Work: Partners 5 rounds
5/5 Snatch
Goblet Squat

Tirzah Harper insight on CrossFit Discussion Board (original thread here):
"I will add that one of my favorite things about CF is its assumption that I have a perfectly good brain of my own AND the desire to use it.It's self-determining.

If I push too hard and get rhabdo, it's my own damn fault. If I don't push hard enough and don't see much results, ditto. I don't rely on anyone else to tell me where my limits are. I don't expect anyone else to keep me safe.

CF's presumption of self-reliant brainpower is one of the few bastions left here in the States where playgrounds aren't much fun anymore because they're eliminating all the equipment that kids might get hurt on, and freedom of activity is curtailed for fear of lawsuits."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday 2 min Drill

B&T/Tuck Jump;DB Curl/Press
MB Pass (2min.)
Dip/PU; MB Slide/Scissor Lunge
Tunnel of Pain (2min.)
KTE/JumpPU; Swing/Pull
Windmill (2min.)
Squat/Jump;KB Crunch/Lsit
Lunge (2min.)

Thursday Updates

*GTN Prep (Volunteers still needed)
1) Sunday May 16 Bag Stuffing, 9AM -- Gym
2) Thursday May 20 Truck Loading, 6:30PM -- Gym
3) Friday May 21 GTN Set Up, Noon -- Mt. Gretna
4) Saturday May 22 GTN!

*CF Classes Canceled May 22!

*Kettlebell Instructional times are now by appointment only. If you require KB introduction, please contact Matt or Chris to set up an acceptable time to meet.

*See recent IM ABLE donation.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And they call themselves...

This group was on fire!!

Wednesday Form: Feet under hips.

Squat Thrust, Bend & Thrust, JJ2BT, B&T w/ Jump, 8 Ct., or Burpee. You name it, and at CF you'll do it. It is the ultimate full-body exercise.

"Landing" the B&T is important. That refers to returning to standing after the plank (thrust position). It should happen in one fluid movement.

So, from a full plank (push up position). Snap the knees forward (hip flexion), push with hands to create space...and land feet directly under hips! Notice in the pic, all these folks have landed (or are about to land) in perfect position. Feet flat (not up on toes), soundly under hips. This shows proper strength and flexibility, reduces strain on the knees, and allows them to move quickly into a jump or another rep!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday Attitude: That hurts, I think?!

"It is within the experience of everyone that when pleasure and pain reach a certain intensity they are indistinguishable." Arnold Bennett

Every...Second...Counts. Go hard or go home. From warm-up to cool-down.

Overheard at Dan-Ohs:
"Hey look, a book about me."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Three, Five, Seven

5-Jump PU

3-AC Push
5-Weighted Situp

Monday "Did you know...?" Vitamin D

"Current research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more."
The government recommends about 400 IU, but contemporary views for optimal health place this closer to 2000 IU (or drinking 40-50 glasses of milk a day!).

What to do in summary? Sun, sun, sun! Supplement appropriately. Dietary sources.

Read some here
Read more here.

As always, do not confuse this post with professional advice. Always consult a physician when considering health and fitness lifestyle decisions.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday Order in the Court

at least for a while.
CF Late Penalty!
Lined up and ready to go!

Then it gets interesting! A wild warmup!